The Top 5 Cartoons of All Time

Hi so this is my opinion about the top 5 Cartoons of All time. Some of them are classic that can never be replaced some are new and some in the middle. The are amazing for me because in each episode. I will be entertained for all of the episode which not all of the cartoons do these days.



Gumball is really amazing cartoon. because I get sooo exited when I know that it is coming next. And The comedy in it is so funny and good. So that is why Gumball entered the top 5 cartoons of all time.

Ben 10 2005 Hindi Episodes

4.Ben 10

I love Ben 10 sence I was 4. It hooked me up from the moment I started watching it. It was so good that I watched all of his cartoons, movies, and shows. It is really good the characters are amazing the cartoon is well scripted and the quality is amazing too.


3.Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants has to be at least in the top 3 of each kids cartoon. because the comedy in it is like the best of all time in a cartoon. Iam sure that you will get hooked to it from the first time. Even your parents will love watching it with you.


2.Angelo Rules

Angelo rules is a cartoon were a normal teenager do adventures. And I put him this list because it relates to a lot of other teenagers even me. His parents are also related to mine which is really cool and funny at the same time. All of his life is related to mine in a way or another.


1. Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z is a great cartoon and it have an amazing story THE BEST. You never want the episode that you are wathcing to be the last one because it is so good that you dont want it to stop. I love the story and the charecters so much.  I actually still watch it till this day. Which is amazing. I recommend you wathcing it, thats if you have not wathched it yet.

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